"The greatest good to the greatest number."
Aspiration, desire and harmonious relations constantly and persistently maintained will accomplish results. The greatest hindrance is erroneous and fixed ideas. To be in tune with eternal truth we must possess poise and harmony within. In order to receive intelligence the receiver must be in tune with the transmitter. Thought is a product of Mind and Mind is creative, but this does not mean that the Universal will change its modus operandi to suit us or our ideas, but it does mean that we can come into harmonious relationship with the Universal, and when we have accomplished this we may ask anything to which we are entitled, and the way will be made plain.
Power of Concentration
Every thought sets the brain cells in action; at first the substance upon which the thought is directed fails to respond, but if the thought is sufficiently refined and concentrated, the substance finally yields
and expresses perfectly. So with the power of thought; let power be dissipated by scattering the thought from one object to another, and no result is apparent; but focus this power through attention or concentration on any single purpose for any length of time and nothing becomes impossible.
Circumstances and environment follow the trend of mental and spiritual progress; growth follows knowledge; action follows inspiration; opportunity follows perception; always the spiritual first, then the transformation
Thought is the process by which we may absorb the Spirit of Power, and hold the result in our
inner consciousness until it becomes a part of our ordinary consciousness. The method of accomplishing this result by the persistent practice of a few fundamental principles, as explained in this System, is the master key which unlocks the storehouse of Universal Truth.
The two great sources of human suffering at present are bodily disease and mental anxiety. That a man can change himself, improve himself, re-create himself, control his environment, and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action
Exercise: In order to cultivate the power of attention, bring a photograph with you to the same seat in the same room in the same position as heretofore. Examine it closely at least ten minutes, note the expression of the eyes, the form of the features, the clothing, the way the hair is arranged; in fact, note every detail shown on the photograph carefully. Now cover it and close your eyes and try to see it mentally; if you can see every detail perfectly and can form a good mental image of the photograph, you are to be congratulated; if not, repeat the process until you can. It is by such exercises as these that you will finally be able to control your mental moods, your attitude, your consciousness.
Q1. Of what value is the power of concentration? It is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired, and the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman.
Q2. Why is this so important? Because it will enable us to control our thoughts, and since thoughts are causes, conditions must be effects; if we can control the cause we can also control the effect.
Q3. What is changing conditions and multiplying results in the objective world? Men are learning the basic methods of constructive thinking.
Read The Master Key System online
Aspiration, desire and harmonious relations constantly and persistently maintained will accomplish results. The greatest hindrance is erroneous and fixed ideas. To be in tune with eternal truth we must possess poise and harmony within. In order to receive intelligence the receiver must be in tune with the transmitter. Thought is a product of Mind and Mind is creative, but this does not mean that the Universal will change its modus operandi to suit us or our ideas, but it does mean that we can come into harmonious relationship with the Universal, and when we have accomplished this we may ask anything to which we are entitled, and the way will be made plain.
Power of Concentration
Every thought sets the brain cells in action; at first the substance upon which the thought is directed fails to respond, but if the thought is sufficiently refined and concentrated, the substance finally yields
Circumstances and environment follow the trend of mental and spiritual progress; growth follows knowledge; action follows inspiration; opportunity follows perception; always the spiritual first, then the transformation
Thought is the process by which we may absorb the Spirit of Power, and hold the result in our
The two great sources of human suffering at present are bodily disease and mental anxiety. That a man can change himself, improve himself, re-create himself, control his environment, and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action
Exercise: In order to cultivate the power of attention, bring a photograph with you to the same seat in the same room in the same position as heretofore. Examine it closely at least ten minutes, note the expression of the eyes, the form of the features, the clothing, the way the hair is arranged; in fact, note every detail shown on the photograph carefully. Now cover it and close your eyes and try to see it mentally; if you can see every detail perfectly and can form a good mental image of the photograph, you are to be congratulated; if not, repeat the process until you can. It is by such exercises as these that you will finally be able to control your mental moods, your attitude, your consciousness.
Q1. Of what value is the power of concentration? It is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired, and the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman.
Q2. Why is this so important? Because it will enable us to control our thoughts, and since thoughts are causes, conditions must be effects; if we can control the cause we can also control the effect.
Q3. What is changing conditions and multiplying results in the objective world? Men are learning the basic methods of constructive thinking.
Read The Master Key System online
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