Everyone has a personal definition for success. My definition of success is my ability to set goals and achieve them. Goals can be trivial or extremely ambitious. But once we have set a goal the first few steps always seem the hardest but they don't have to be if we decide to learn from our past successes/failures."The best things in life are not things" - Art Buchwald
I started my company in 2006 and when I started out my goals were money centric. But after several years of running a corporation and constantly travelling I have definitely managed to fulfill my definition of success but the problem is that my definition has changed.
Success to me now means having time and money but above all it stands for connecting with progressive and driven people who will shape my thoughts and influence me to become the better version of myself. Through trials and tribulations from the past 6 years of my work life I have realized that a core set of qualities can ensure my success in everyday life. I have learnt a lot about myself and how I need to change myself to stay at the top and continue to keep growing. In no particular order I present my learning's.
1 Lead from Within
This is most important, to keep a calm and listen to yourself amidst all the chaos. Feel your decisions, follow you passion, it all comes from within. Start making those difficult decisions. You might not be right the first time but start believing in yourself. Get in touch with yourself and carve your path in life. Write your own script !
2 Work Smarter - Prioritize
Nothing inventive about this but implementing this takes time. Write down all things you want to do and then prioritize it. I find the ABCDE method of prioritization very useful. Once you prioritize then make sure you focus all your energy towards the task at hand until it is complete.
3 Step Up and Push back
Often times you will be surrounded by people/situations which demand your attention on more than one thing at the same time. You have to realize you cannot please everybody. So just step up, prioritize your work and push back the rest without hesitation,fear or guilt. It is what it is !
4 Be Autonomous
Self-governing; independent;Not controlled by others or by outside forces;Independent in mind/judgment; self-directed. Your ability to think for yourself is the single most ability which will get you ahead of the herd. So plan and execute with certainty and faith in your autonomous power.
5 Take Ownership of task at hand
This is very important for your reputation. Every task you do should speak volumes about you. Do not try to do great things but to do small things greatly and you will become great. If you have been assigned a task then make sure that it is completed and is full proof. What i mean by full proof is test it inside out from every angle. Cover every scenario the solution can be used in and it still is durable and usable and performs well. Do this with every task at hand and you will be an unstoppable force.
6 Get Disciplined
This is again something we all know but it takes time. Bring yourself to a state of order and obedience by practicing training and control. Learn to make the will stronger than the brain. Respect your word to yourself. 6:00 AM means 6:00 AM. No snooze. Decide a time and get up. If you make a promise to yourself respect it and then reward yourself for keeping it. You will develop enormous trust in yourself if you practice this.
7 Shut up and Listen
Listen ! Listen ! and then Listen some more !! There is a reason god has given us two ears and one mouth. Read a lot and listen a lot. Listen to your team and people around you but do what you decide. But it is very important to listen to others as it shows you respect them and consider them important. Also it gives you insight into something you did not know or thought that you knew.
8 Develop Consistent work ethics and results
This again comes from discipline. If you decide to start working at 8:00AM then stick to it everyday. Consistent hard work will lead to consistent success. You will have more time to enjoy things you want to do and your life output will increase. You will be living more fulfilled in the same amount of time.
9 Have Love for things around you but have more Courage
This comes from my spiritual roots but it is very practical. Love things and people around you and be a fun person but have the courage and be strong to speak your mind even if people around you do not agree with you. Have the courage to go against the tide if you believe you are doing the right thing.
10 Focus on Growth and Results
Always focus on the solution. Plan your growth and track your success. Every time you feel down, look at your success tracks and you will be amazed as to how successful and powerful you are ! Be optimistic and strive for a solution !
11 See Things for what they are, not for what you believe them to be
See the reality, not the illusion of desires - Accept and see things for what they are. It is good to think big and dream bigger but you cannot achieve anything unless you happily accept you present situation and your weaknesses for what they are. Only then can you make your dreams real, by slowly aligning them with reality. Ex: If you get an interview for your dream job, do not lose your cool and start dreaming about all the money you will make and all the things you will buy. See it for what it is, an interview. Prepare for it and celebrate when you get the job. Focus on reality !
12 Be Grateful
For everything you have and you are. Each moment and every stressful situation is a blessing to be grateful for as it will make you a stronger person when you are through it. I am grateful for enjoying the sunrise on the lake while taking the morning train to work sometimes, every time I am stuck in traffic i realize it is time to slow down and be thankful for it. Really its the small things that make a big difference.
13 Be Organized
You don't have to be over the top and get the most fancy tool under the sun to be organized. Keep it simple. Pen and paper and a simple schedule. I use Google Calendar and Gmail.
14 Get Centered
Meditate and get in touch with yourself. Every now and then you will get lost and will need to get centered to find happiness and fulfillment. This is very important to stay calm and centered and to lead from within.
15 Clarity is Power
Know what you want and then execute with single minded intensity. Focus on doing one thing for 20 days before you start scattering your energies. Power comes from focus. Do not have too many conflicting goals. YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED AT ANY.
16 Be Practical
Remember the concept of circle of influence from 7 Habits of Highly effective people. Do not be bothered by outside events beyond your control. Be practical and stay focused.
17 Put yourself First and heckle for what you deserve
Be selfish sometimes. If you want to be a winner and do good then there will be times when you will need to fight for your right to be first. Remember the small kid on the playground who always used to put a hell of a fight to the bully, after a few times the bully used to pick on other kids as he does not want to go through this trouble every time. Be that fighter who refuses to get pushed around.
18 Be in the Present
Awareness of the moment is probably the single most factor which can change your life. Focus on the task at hand and do the best in the moment. You simple awareness of the moment and things around you will make you forget your worries and tension.
19 Feel Good
Feeling good is the key to looking younger and living longer. If you are tired of your day then take a break. The key is to make the brain feel great. Train your brain. Change your negative self talk. You are better than you think you are. You are more attractive than you think you are. Go and get what you want, the world is yours.
20 No Expectations
Do the best job you can and enjoy the process rather than worrying about the result. No pressure. Great success will come your way if you can live in a state of detachment from the fruit of your action
21Practice Non-judgement
Do not judge things/people around you. The less you judge the less the brain is focused on the negative. In work situations feel free to evaluate a product and give your opinion but refrain from judging people. When you judge you unknowingly focus on negative and I am better than you. Stop it, it will only hurt you.
22 ACT!! ACT !! ACT !!
Action is very important. All the above will be of no use if you do not apply it. Don't be afraid of failure or disappointing others. As Tim Ferris says in the Four Hour Work Week,"Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission". So go out there and be bold and ACT !! By the time you make a mistake you will have enough people supporting you that they you will not be stopped.
I would love to hear your comments, What are some of your lessons ?
Hi Mr. Biggs,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the 22 ways to attract success! That's indeed a long list.
Success is a journey and not destination! I agree that lots of Actions are necessary to help us achieve what we had been focusing on.
Nevertheless, the road is not always smooth. Thus, we will need a lot of courage, persistence, and great attitude in this journey.
Best Wishes
Let's Acquire Wisdom and Live with Passion
This is a very powerful and wonderful blog. I haven't even really read the full text, but I am so pleased. I recently started a blog and I wanted to see what others in the same genre as I were doing again I just want to say it is phenominal and I am happy for your success and may you continue to bless others with success. I will definately continue to participate. Thanks,Maiose
ReplyDeleteMr. Biggs:
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I found you through Priscilla's List of PDs. Then when I saw your pix, I realized I had seen you before. Several times.
So I went looking for your email but it was no where to be found. Then I went to LINKEDIN (I'm using their free service) to find you but that ended up being a roadblock.
So here I am, using your comment box, to say "hi" and "congratulations" on making the PD list.
My aim is to meet new people/bloggers, especially those who believe in LOA.
My email can easily be found at www.sjhopson.com and/or www.adversityuniversity.blogspot.com
Hope to hear from you and make a new friend in the process!
Stephen Hopson
Sam: Yes it is a long list as it is a compilation of lessons I learnt. Over the past year. Thanks for you inspiring comment.
ReplyDeleteMaiose: if you read this please leave your Blog URL. I would love to read what you have to say.
Stephen: You are a phenomenal person and I am sorry you had trouble finding my email. I have dropped you an email. God Bless !
Great list. I think discipline and organization with setting your priorities straight is a great way to proceed. And of course knowing what you want and visualizing your goal at all times will certainly help.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
This list that you have given is indeed very long but the longness does pay off, i really found it very useful and valuable to do.Thank you.
ReplyDeleteNice Post! Very Interesting!
ReplyDeleteThese 22 ways to attract success in our life can help a lot of people.
Check out this blog:
Make Money Online - No get rich quick schemes.
Random Magus - Thanks ! I am glad you like the post.
ReplyDeletePersonal Growth: I am glad you liked it.
Virtual Hunter - Thanks for the linkback.
I love the intelligence and spirituality in your list! Very useful!
ReplyDeleteThank You, I'm going to work with some of the points you made.
Adrienne Zurub
'Notes From the Mothership The Naked Invisibles'
Great advice , I would also recomend that people at least read The secret to getting rich by wallace waddles for a more comprehensive look at the principles and methodology involved with law of attraction, which is just one small piece of the pie. Waddles Approach was to get rich first and then allow the individual to further explore the universal laws in an effort to become a fully actualized human being.
ReplyDeleteI felt relaxed the moment I read this. It can be done my practice. It occupied my cube as well as my mind. But to keep this in the latter is important.
Great POST!
ReplyDeleteSome would state a few but you made your way to list 22, but I think there is more of it than just 22 :)
Love & Gratitude,
Think Simple. Be Decisive.
Greetings Mr.Biggs.
ReplyDeleteI again had the pleasure of reading your blog post and I derived the pleasure of blogging about it.
Using Spiritual Energy
Cheers man.
Excellent resource Mr Biggs I really Appreciate how you keep it simple. Keep up the great posts.
ReplyDeleteGives a lot to think about.
ReplyDeleteSometimes wonder if "Shut Up and Listen" shouldn't be my new Moto. :)
Great list, I would like to add – Laugh out loud every day. I don’t know about everyone else but it keeps things in perspective for me.