Anti-To-Do List

 Creating an Anti-To-Do List is a powerful way to focus on what you want to avoid to improve your productivity and well-being. Here’s how you can create your own:

Step-by-Step Guide to Your Anti-To-Do List

  1. Identify Your Struggles:

    • Sit down and reflect on the daily habits and actions that hold you back, both personally and professionally.
    • Write down everything that comes to mind without filtering.
  2. Use a Template for Inspiration:

    • Use an existing Anti-To-Do list as a starting point. You can take inspiration from the list provided below.
    • Customize it to fit your specific needs by adding, removing, or modifying items.
  3. Keep It Dynamic:

    • Your Anti-To-Do list should be a living document. Don’t worry about getting it perfect from the start.
    • Update it regularly as your priorities and challenges change.
  4. Limit the Number of Items:

    • Focus on 3-5 high-priority items to start with. This keeps the list manageable and actionable.
  5. Display It Prominently:

    • Keep your Anti-To-Do list visible throughout the day, just like your regular To-Do list.
    • Use a digital tool, sticky notes, or a dedicated notebook page.
  6. Celebrate Your Wins:

    • Each day you successfully avoid the actions on your list, take a moment to appreciate your achievement.
    • Acknowledge both your good days and your bad days, understanding that consistency is key.

Sample Anti-To-Do List

  1. Do Not Complain About Anything:

    • Focus on solutions if the issue is within your control.
    • Let go of the things that are out of your control to conserve your energy.
  2. Avoid Negative People:

    • Embrace growth by facing difficult conversations and removing toxicity from your life.
  3. Limit Inactivity to Less Than 2 Hours:

    • Incorporate movement into your day with regular breaks to walk, stretch, or exercise.
  4. Do Not Graze on Low-Value Tasks:

    • Set fixed windows for handling minor tasks like emails to avoid inefficiency.
  5. Don’t Become an Ostrich:

    • Face challenges and new information head-on instead of ignoring them.
  6. Put Your Phone Away When Engaging with Family:

    • Focus on being present with your loved ones during quality time.
  7. Do Not Hit the Snooze Button:

    • Start your day by taking control and avoiding the temptation to delay waking up.
  8. Don’t Overcommit:

    • Say no to additional tasks if you wouldn’t want to do them immediately.
  9. Only Take Purposeful Calls or Meetings:

    • Ensure all meetings have a clear agenda to avoid wasting time.
  10. Avoid Phone Use for the First and Last 15 Minutes of the Day:

    • Create intentional tech-free time to start and end your day calmly.
  11. Do Not Compare Yourself to Others:

    • Focus on your journey and learn from others without envy or jealousy.
  12. Avoid the Algorithm Vortex:

    • Limit social media use to prevent distraction and stay productive.
  13. Set Boundaries for Messaging and Social Media:

    • Use dedicated times for checking messages and social media to stay focused.
  14. Don’t Take Everyone’s Advice:

    • Be selective about whose advice you follow, filtering out noise from valuable insights.
  15. Do Not Glorify the Wrong Things:

    • Focus on habits that truly enhance your well-being, like sleep and balanced schedules.


Creating and maintaining an Anti-To-Do list is an ongoing process. Each day is a chance to reinforce positive habits and reduce the negative ones. By staying mindful of what you want to avoid, you can better align your actions with the person you want to become. Celebrate your progress and continue to refine your list as needed.

Source: Sahil Bloom