Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth" by T. Harv Eker is a book that focuses on the mindset and attitudes necessary for achieving financial success.
"The root creates the fruits; the invisible creates the visible" is a metaphor for how our internal world (beliefs, thoughts, emotions) shapes our external reality (wealth, success). To change our financial situation, we need to start with changing our internal blueprint, considering all the realms we live in: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Eker's point is that to change the fruits (visible results), you first need to change the root (invisible beliefs and thoughts). This is because our external reality (wealth, relationships, success) is largely a reflection of our internal mindset and beliefs i.e the four realms that we live in. The Four Realms are the different aspects of our existence that interact and influence each other:
- 1. Spiritual Realm: This can be interpreted in various ways, from traditional religious beliefs to a broader sense of purpose or connection to the universe. In the context of wealth, it might involve understanding one's deeper purpose and values concerning money.
- 2. Mental Realm: This is the realm of thoughts and beliefs. What we think on a consistent basis shapes our attitudes and perceptions of the world, including our approach to wealth and success.
- 3. Emotional Realm: Our emotions often drive our decisions and actions. Understanding and managing emotions can be crucial in developing a mindset that supports wealth creation.
- 4. Physical Realm: This is the tangible, visible world of actions and results. In financial terms, it includes our actions related to earning, saving, investing, and spending money.
These realms are deeply interconnected. For example, a limiting belief in the mental realm (like "I don't deserve to be wealthy") can trigger negative emotions (such as fear or envy), which can then lead to poor financial decisions in the physical realm. Conversely, positive changes in one's mindset can lead to more effective actions and better financial outcomes.
Process of Manifestation
This process can be understood as a manifestation formula and involves several key steps:
- Programming: This involves the beliefs and thoughts that have been ingrained in us, often from a young age, about money and wealth. Eker emphasizes that these beliefs form our financial blueprint, which significantly influences our financial life. To manifest wealth, one must first become aware of and then change any negative or limiting programming.
- Thoughts: Our programming leads to our thoughts. If we have positive programming about wealth, we will have positive thoughts about our ability to acquire and manage wealth. Changing our thoughts is essential to manifesting a different financial reality.
- Feelings: Thoughts generate feelings. Positive thoughts about wealth generate positive feelings, like confidence and optimism, which are crucial for taking inspired action towards wealth creation.
- Actions: Our feelings drive our actions. When we feel positive and confident about our financial prospects, we're more likely to take the actions necessary to create wealth, such as investing wisely, seeking new opportunities, or improving our financial education.
- Results: Finally, our actions lead to results. Consistent, positive actions towards wealth creation lead to the manifestation of wealth and success.
- Reinforcement: The results we achieve can reinforce our programming. Positive results strengthen positive beliefs and thoughts about wealth, creating a virtuous cycle that can lead to further success.
Three Ways We Get Programmed
Eker identifies three primary ways in which we are programmed to think and act in relation to money: verbal programming, modeling, and specific incidents. Understanding these can help us recognize and change our subconscious beliefs about wealth and success.
- Verbal Programming: This refers to the things we heard about money, wealth, and success when we were growing up. These messages often come from parents, family members, and significant adults in our lives. Phrases like "Money doesn’t grow on trees," "We can’t afford it," or "Rich people are greedy," can shape our beliefs about the nature of money and our relationship to it. As adults, these verbal messages can manifest as deep-seated beliefs that either limit or empower our financial actions.
- Modeling: Modeling is about the behaviors we observed and then imitated. Children tend to model their parents or close caregivers. If parents were frugal, spendthrift, invested wisely, or had a fear of debt, these behaviors are often unconsciously adopted by their children. This modeling extends beyond direct financial habits to include attitudes towards work, risk, saving, and spending. The way our role models dealt with money provides a template for how we might handle our finances as adults.
- Specific Incidents: Specific incidents are impactful experiences or events related to money that leave a lasting impression on us. These could be positive or negative experiences. For example, a family going through a financial crisis, receiving a significant gift or inheritance, or observing a relative succeed or fail in a business venture. These events can form powerful associations and beliefs about money. For instance, someone who experienced financial insecurity as a child might develop an excessive saving habit or an aversion to taking financial risks.
Changing the Programming
Eker proposes a four-step process to change this blueprint: Awareness, Understanding, Disassociation, and Reconditioning. Here's a detailed look at each step:
- - The first step in changing your financial blueprint is becoming aware of it. This involves identifying the specific thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes you have about money.
- - Awareness also means recognizing the sources of these beliefs, such as verbal programming from parents or influential figures during childhood, observed behaviors (modeling), and specific formative incidents.
- - This step often involves self-reflection and possibly keeping a journal to record your thoughts and feelings about money as they arise in various situations.
- - Once you're aware of your financial blueprint, the next step is to understand where it comes from and how it has been influencing your life.
- - This involves analyzing how the beliefs were formed. For instance, if you believe that "money is the root of all evil," consider where this belief came from and how it has affected your financial decisions.
- - Understanding is crucial because it allows you to see that your financial blueprint is not an inherent part of you but rather a construct based on past experiences and inputs.
- - Disassociation involves emotionally and intellectually separating yourself from these limiting beliefs.
- - It's the process of realizing that just because you have a belief, it doesn't mean it's true or that it has to continue to guide your life. You are not your beliefs; you can choose to adopt new beliefs.
- - Techniques for disassociation include challenging the belief's validity and utility, and questioning its basis. For example, if you believe that "you have to work hard to make money," you might challenge this by looking at examples of people who have made money through smart investments or innovative ideas.
- - The final step is to recondition your mind with new, empowering beliefs and attitudes towards money.
- - This can be done through various methods such as affirmations, visualizations, and modeling behaviors of financially successful individuals.
- - Reconditioning is about creating a new financial blueprint that supports wealth and abundance. It involves consistently practicing and reinforcing new beliefs and behaviors until they become a natural part of your mindset.
- - For example, if an old belief was "I am not good with money," a new reconditioned belief could be, "I am learning and becoming better with managing and growing my wealth every day."
By moving through these four stages, individuals can alter their deep-seated beliefs about money and replace them with ones that are more conducive to financial success. This process is not instantaneous but requires ongoing effort and commitment to achieve lasting change.
You can develop your knowledge in business, marketing, sales, negotiations and management. You can become an expert in real estate or the stock market. All of these are tremendous tools but in the end without an inner toolbox to hold money, all the tools in the world will be useless, so it is important to install the 17 wealth files in your mind.
Wealth Principles
Eker introduces specific principles that differentiate the mindset of wealthy people from those who struggle financially. These principles involve how one thinks about, manages, and invests money. Eker describes 17 "Wealth Files", which are key concepts and beliefs that differentiate the mindset of wealthy individuals from those who struggle financially.
1. Rich people believe they create their life. Poor people believe life happens to them.
- Wealthy individuals understand that they are the architects of their own destiny. They take responsibility for their success and failures, rather than attributing them to luck, chance, or external factors. In contrast, those who struggle financially often view themselves as victims of their circumstances, believing that external factors dictate their financial status.
2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
- The mindset of wealth creation is about striving for abundance and prosperity. Wealthy people set ambitious financial goals, aiming for wealth and success. On the other hand, those who aren't wealthy often focus on merely surviving financially, their goal being to avoid poverty rather than to achieve richness.
3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
- This highlights the difference between a mere desire for wealth and a strong commitment to achieving it. Wealthy people are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to become rich, which often involves hard work, learning, and perseverance, while others might simply wish for wealth without putting in the necessary effort.
4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
- Wealthy individuals are not afraid to dream big and set high aspirations. They don't limit themselves with low expectations. In contrast, those with a poorer mindset may have limited aspirations, not believing big success is attainable for them.
5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.
- When presented with a new opportunity, wealthy individuals tend to focus on the potential for success and gains. They are more willing to take calculated risks. Conversely, those with a poorer mindset may be more focused on the potential problems and risks, which can prevent them from seizing opportunities.
6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.
- Wealthy people view other successful individuals as a source of inspiration and lessons. In contrast, those who struggle financially might view the wealthy with envy or resentment, which can create a negative mindset about wealth.
7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
- The company one keeps can have a big influence on one's attitudes and beliefs. Wealthy individuals often surround themselves with other successful and positive-minded people, while those who are not wealthy may be more likely to spend time with others who reinforce their limiting beliefs.
8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
- Self-promotion and the ability to sell one’s ideas or products are key aspects of financial success. Wealthy people are comfortable with marketing themselves and their value, whereas others might see self-promotion as boastful or unseemly.
9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
- Wealthy individuals have a mindset that sees problems as challenges to be overcome, and they are confident in their ability to tackle them. In contrast, those who are not wealthy might see problems as insurmountable obstacles.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
- Being open to receiving wealth, help, advice, and opportunities is important. Wealthy people are comfortable with receiving, recognizing it as a part of the cycle of giving and receiving, while others might feel unworthy of receiving wealth or success.
11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
- Wealthy people often prefer income streams that are based on outcomes and results, such as business profits or performance bonuses, rather than a fixed hourly or salaried wage. This aligns income with success and effort, rather than just time spent.
12. Rich people think "both". Poor people think "either/or".
- This is about the mindset of abundance versus scarcity. Wealthy people believe they can have wealth and happiness, success and a balanced life, whereas others might believe in a trade-off, thinking they can only have one or the other.
13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
- Wealthy individuals are more focused on increasing their overall assets and net worth through investments, business ownership, and other means of passive income, rather than just increasing their salary from employment.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
- Financial management and savvy investment are key to growing wealth. Wealthy people are adept at managing their finances, making informed investment decisions, and budgeting effectively, whereas others may not manage their money as effectively.
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
- This refers to the concept of passive income and investment. Wealthy people invest their money in ways that generate income without constant active work, while others may rely solely on income from active labor.
16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
- Wealth creation often involves stepping out of one's comfort zone and taking risks. Wealthy individuals are willing to take these steps despite fears, whereas others might allow fear to prevent them from taking action.
17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.
- A commitment to lifelong learning, growth, and personal development is a key trait of wealthy individuals. They are always looking to improve their knowledge and skills, whereas others might be more complacent or resistant to new ideas.
Action Steps
Mindset Affirmation Action Steps I create my own life. I create the exact amount of my financial success! Stop complaining about your life. Evaluate yourself nightly. I play the money game to win. My goal is to become a millionaire and more! Set two financial goals. Dine at a high-end restaurant without worrying about the cost. Rich people work hard to be rich. I commit to being rich. Write down why wealth is important to you. Make a vow to a trusted person about your commitment to wealth. Rich people think big. I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people! Identify and use your unique gifts to help others on a larger scale. Rich people focus on opportunities. I focus on opportunities, over obstacles. Enter a field you're interested in and learn required skills. Cultivate optimism and gratitude. Rich people appreciate other rich & successful people. I appreciate rich people. I bless rich people. I love rich people... Read biographies of successful individuals. Express appreciation for success and luxury in others. Rich people associate with positive people. I treat rich and successful people as role models. Read about successful people. Join high-class clubs or environments. Rich people promote themselves and their value. I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm. Assess and improve your products or services. Learn about selling and promotion. Rich people are bigger than their problems. I'm bigger than any problems. Face problems with confidence. List potential solutions. Rich people are great receivers. I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive... Indulge in experiences that make you feel wealthy. Practice gratitude. Rich people earn based on results. I choose to get paid based on my results. Shift towards results-based income. Consider side hustles or entrepreneurship. Rich people want both. I always think both. Challenge either/or thinking. Spend money with a mindset of creating value. Rich people focus on net worth. I focus on building my net worth. Track and manage your net worth. Hire a financial planner. Rich people are good money managers. I am an excellent money manager. Implement a system to manage and allocate finances. Rich people make money work for them. My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money. Identify and invest in passive income streams. Rich people act despite fear. I act in spite of fear. Identify your fears and overcome them. Step out of your comfort zone. Rich people constantly learn. I am committed to constant growth and learning. Engage in regular learning. Consider hiring a coach.