Some of the books I've read have changed my thinking and some have given me specific knowledge on how to do something which I didn't know how to do before. So each book I read allows me to grow in different ways.
So in coming up with a list of 10 these are the book that have given me the ideas that have had the biggest impact on my business. Hopefully they'll help you get big results too.
1. The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated Edition by Tim Ferriss has got to be the 'bible' for those looking to become location independent or fund a lifestyle. Don't read too much into the title though, it's not about working 4 hours, it's about creating a business which works without you. This is the book that showed me how to eliminate repetitive tasks by introducing me to the concepts of automation, outsourcing, creating a 'muse' product and living a low information diet. Well worth checking out.
2. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity this book by David Allen has literally helped me get much more things done in less time. It uses very simple methods which really do work. You'll be more organised than you ever dreamed and won't spend your life searching for emails or papers you 'knew you put somewhere'.
3. Rework is a complete book of wisdom from the guys at 37signals.com and explains the principles that they've learnt from doing business over the last 10 years. Which turns traditional thinking about how to run a business, on it's head. You'll get some surprising insights in this book such as: drug dealers get it right, nobody likes plastic flowers and good enough is fine. It's a book you can read easily in bite sized chunks (each lesson is no more than a couple of pages) – each lesson will really challenge your thinking and inspire you to make a simple business work effectively.
4. E-myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It surprisingly, this book this is not a book about E-business. It's a book for any business, whether that's virtual or bricks and mortar. It will help you look at your business as a business rather than a job you do to earn money. It's a book I recommend to all my clients – It talks about the importance of systems and how to create them, it's a very easy to read with a great case study/story running through it.
5. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don't if you're looking to create a great business of lasting value, then Jim Collins' study of what makes great businesses over time has got to be on your reading list. Good to Great examines the key differences between those businesses that have lasting success and those businesses that are merely good. True, good enough maybe good enough, but if you want to make your business really special, then you should read this book.
7. eBoot Camp: Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business by Corey Perlman – Corey shares the 'secrets' of internet marketing so that you can get more business using web 2.0 in a non techie way. It really is ideal for small business owners, those starting out or those who have a blog they want to promote. Basically anyone who starting out who wants a straightforward guide to show them the way.
8. How To Win Friends and Influence People is the classic book by Dale Carnegie about developing your influence. Although written way before the internet, it's advice is as true today as it was when it was originally written. The key mantra for BRT when we meet with our clients is always to be more interested than interesting.
9. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. This is the classic guide to productivity. Which whilst not as practical a guide as Getting Things Done, a couple of lessons (or habits) stand out for me. Namely: "Start with the end in mind" – in other words what are you trying to achieve? Secondly "first things first" – do important stuff before urgent stuff and finally "Sharpen the saw" – whilst this habit is actually about spiritual and physical rejuvenation I take this to be a reminder to continually invest in yourself whether through training courses or reading.
10. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! By Robert Kiyosaki – I actually think this book should be required reading for all 14 year olds as it would provide them with a financial education most people never learn in a lifetime. Basically it tells the story ostensibly of Kyosaki's early life of two fathers an employed father and a business owner father and compares and contrasts between the two. It's an extremely powerful book. For example it compares taxes paid by a corporation vs taxes paid by an employee. An employee pays taxes before s/he has received his/her pay where as a corporation pays taxes on what is left. You will never view home ownership in the same light. If you only buy one business/financial book, buy this one – for less than $8 it's likely to be the best investment you've ever made.
Source: bigredtomato