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PART 2: Law of Attraction
Our difficulties are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our true interests. The great task is to discover the laws of nature to which we are to adjust ourselves. Clear thinking and moral insight are, therefore, of incalculable value. All processes, even those of thought, rest on solid foundations.
Conscious Mind
-Perceiving and operating through the five physical senses, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of the outward life. It has the faculty of discrimination, carrying with it the responsibility of choice. It has the power of reasoning - whether inductive, deductive, analytical or syllogistic - and this power may be developed to a high degree.
Not only can it impress other minds, but it can direct the subconscious mind. In this way the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. It is this high function which can completely reverse conditions in your life.
Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the conscious mind, "the watchman at the gate," to guard it from mistaken impressions. Receiving any suggestions as true, the subconscious mind at once proceeds to act thereon in the whole domain of its tremendous field of work. The conscious mind can suggest either truth or error. If the latter, it is at the cost of wide-reaching peril to the whole being. It has been found that by plainly stating to the subconscious mind certain specific things to be accomplished, forces are set in operation that lead to the result desired. Here, then, is a source of power which places us in touch with Omnipotence. Here in is a deep principle which is well worth our most earnest study.
The subconscious mind cannot argue controversially. Hence, if it has accepted wrong suggestions, the sure method of overcoming them is by the use of a strong counter suggestion, frequently repeated, which the mind must accept, thus eventually forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for the subconscious mind is the seat of Habit. That which we do over and over becomes mechanical; it is no longer an act of judgment, but has worn its deep grooves in the subconscious mind.
Conscious Thinking
But we shall find that there is a vast difference between simply thinking, and directing our thought consciously, systematically and constructively; when we do this we place our mind in harmony with the Universal Mind, we come in tune with the Infinite, we set in operation the mightiest force in existence, the creative power of the Universal Mind. This, as everything else, is governed by natural law, and this law is the "Law of Attraction," which is that Mind is creative, and will automatically correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.
Exercise: Purpose is to begin to control your thought. Take the same room, the same chair, and the same position, if possible. In some cases it is not convenient to take the same room, in this case simply make the best use of such conditions as may be available. Now be perfectly still as before, but inhibit all thought; this will give you control over all thoughts of care, worry and fear, and will enable you to entertain only the kind of thoughts you desire. Continue this exercise until you gain complete mastery.
Mind is the master weaver, both of the interior garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance
Q1. What are some of the functions of the conscious mind?
It has the faculty of discrimination; it has the power of reasoning; it is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.
Q2. How has the distinction between the conscious and subconscious been expressed?
"Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will."
Q3. What method is necessary in order to impress the subconscious?
Mentally state what is wanted.
Q4. What will be the result?
If the desire is in harmony with the forward movement of the great Whole, forces will be set in motion which will bring about the result.
Click on the "Master Key System" Label below to find all published parts.
Mr. Biggs Comment: Recognize the conscious and sub conscious mind and learn to develop conscious thinking, so you can direct the subconscious knowingly. Do the exercise and believe in it. Develop patience and be happy. Wish you success !
Read The Master Key System online
PART 2: Law of Attraction
Our difficulties are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our true interests. The great task is to discover the laws of nature to which we are to adjust ourselves. Clear thinking and moral insight are, therefore, of incalculable value. All processes, even those of thought, rest on solid foundations.
Conscious Mind
-Perceiving and operating through the five physical senses, the conscious mind deals with the impressions and objects of the outward life. It has the faculty of discrimination, carrying with it the responsibility of choice. It has the power of reasoning - whether inductive, deductive, analytical or syllogistic - and this power may be developed to a high degree.
Not only can it impress other minds, but it can direct the subconscious mind. In this way the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. It is this high function which can completely reverse conditions in your life.
Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind does not engage in the process of proving. It relies upon the conscious mind, "the watchman at the gate," to guard it from mistaken impressions. Receiving any suggestions as true, the subconscious mind at once proceeds to act thereon in the whole domain of its tremendous field of work. The conscious mind can suggest either truth or error. If the latter, it is at the cost of wide-reaching peril to the whole being. It has been found that by plainly stating to the subconscious mind certain specific things to be accomplished, forces are set in operation that lead to the result desired. Here, then, is a source of power which places us in touch with Omnipotence. Here in is a deep principle which is well worth our most earnest study.
The subconscious mind cannot argue controversially. Hence, if it has accepted wrong suggestions, the sure method of overcoming them is by the use of a strong counter suggestion, frequently repeated, which the mind must accept, thus eventually forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for the subconscious mind is the seat of Habit. That which we do over and over becomes mechanical; it is no longer an act of judgment, but has worn its deep grooves in the subconscious mind.
Conscious Thinking
But we shall find that there is a vast difference between simply thinking, and directing our thought consciously, systematically and constructively; when we do this we place our mind in harmony with the Universal Mind, we come in tune with the Infinite, we set in operation the mightiest force in existence, the creative power of the Universal Mind. This, as everything else, is governed by natural law, and this law is the "Law of Attraction," which is that Mind is creative, and will automatically correlate with its object and bring it into manifestation.
Exercise: Purpose is to begin to control your thought. Take the same room, the same chair, and the same position, if possible. In some cases it is not convenient to take the same room, in this case simply make the best use of such conditions as may be available. Now be perfectly still as before, but inhibit all thought; this will give you control over all thoughts of care, worry and fear, and will enable you to entertain only the kind of thoughts you desire. Continue this exercise until you gain complete mastery.
Mind is the master weaver, both of the interior garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance
Q1. What are some of the functions of the conscious mind?
It has the faculty of discrimination; it has the power of reasoning; it is the seat of the will and may impress the subconscious.
Q2. How has the distinction between the conscious and subconscious been expressed?
"Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will."
Q3. What method is necessary in order to impress the subconscious?
Mentally state what is wanted.
Q4. What will be the result?
If the desire is in harmony with the forward movement of the great Whole, forces will be set in motion which will bring about the result.
Click on the "Master Key System" Label below to find all published parts.
Mr. Biggs Comment: Recognize the conscious and sub conscious mind and learn to develop conscious thinking, so you can direct the subconscious knowingly. Do the exercise and believe in it. Develop patience and be happy. Wish you success !
Read The Master Key System online
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